About Jennifer

Anatar's Bernese Mountain Dogs
Anatar's Clumber Spaniels
My Story
I always had dogs growing up as a child; I would welcome every stray into our home. My childhood passion turned into a lifelong dream when I purchased my first dog, a beautiful Golden Retriever named Beau. As an adult I became interested in training and obedience. I served an apprenticeship with one of the area's most renowned animal behavorist and then went on to teach and consult. I took my passion for dogs and ran with it. I now train and show my Bernese Mountain Dogs and Clumber Spaniels in Conformation, Obedience, Agility, Draft and Tracking.
As a breeder and competitor I know how important health, nutrition and longevity is to all dogs and especially my breeds. This holds true for the working dog as much as the family pet.
I purchased my first Bernese Mountain Dog 25 years ago. I have studied and built my knowledge of the breed with some of the best Breeders. I continue to learn and build my knowledge base for the health and welfare of my dogs. I am proud that my dogs are living into the double digits, not just as senior dogs, but as active dogs, working, playing and participating as much as my younger dogs.
In 2007 I found my second breed, the Clumber Spaniel. I contacted the “best” Clumber Spaniel Breeder in the US, Doug Johnson, Clussexx Clumbers and purchased GCH Clussexx Last Lion, who became #1 Clumber Spaniel in 2011, #13 Sporting Dog in 2011, 2011 Westminster Best of Breed. We have had 1 Clumber litter and I have Winston’s Son, Alec to continue his legacy.